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But, if casino business history was not filled with enough legends and myths, there still are hundreds of fairy tale stories believable to us. Everyone knows about the Wild West shoot-outs, the Crusades, the Gold rush, the America’s Cup, the Wright Brothers, Schr Betsy and theerville Ness. Southeast Asians especially learned about gambling from the West, and unfortunately, turned this to their own advantage.

The mastery of poker was not an issue to the Chinese. The game was not known as pai gow in china and was called instead, the martial arts, the “arts, charges and dice.” Taking advantage of the nickname, the Chinese transformed it into a game whereby persons from all over the empire could participate. The game was and still is played in many countries in Africa and Asia.

The game of gai gow, meaning “house advantage,” or the advantage of the gambler, was thus introduced to the Chinese. The game was not so well liked by the Chinese and was only played in private parties. When the empress Mother and Emperor were out of China, the game became more popular and was played throughout the empire. It was not played by equals but by the rich and the noblemen.

The British were not fond of the game and at the same time were already morons who misbehaved with their women. Thus, the game was to be kept “under house regulations” or purged from the casinos.

The French were next to adopt the game. When the British conquered China in the 19th century, the French were afraid that the game would also be taken from their empire to the British one. They therefore took their own version of the game and introduced it, with minor changes, to the dominions of the British. The French were not pleased with the game and considered it to be a mere gambling game and not a strategic or mental game as the British version of roulette. This of course was a problem and it caused a bit of a quarrel between the two countries.

Mikhail Lomonosovitchoff, a Russian mathematically professor, made a mathematical model in the 1950s that improved the odds in roulette. He proved that thewave rolls of the roulette wheel that produced certain numbers more frequently. He also proved that these numbers could be manufactured in more combinations and that therefore the odds of winning were better. He showed that by changing the rules of the game, these combinations could be predicted and thereby the odds could be reduced or even eliminated.

This along with other cutting edge mathematical advances by Lomonosovitchoff made the game of roulette the cut above all other casino games of the time. There are even roulette systems created by Lomonosovitchoff that claim to be able to beat the house odds using different mathematical principles. Of course, most of these systems are either variations of the Martingale betting strategy or are just repackaged versions of the Martingale betting strategy with a few minor changes here and there.

However, the real question is – do systems work at all? The answer is mixed. Some systems do work, but they have to be with a specific betting strategy that changes depending on the count of high cards in the deck and the relative odds of the table against the player. It is not possible to apply a system like the Martingale to blackjack since the deck is not shuffled after each hand making it impossible to determine if the deck is rich in high cards or not. The same cannot be said for the roulette wheel where you can determine if the wheel is littered with high cards or not by simply looking at the betting strategy of the wheel.

There are other reasons as to why roulette systems do not work as well as how the game is designed. First, the player has no input to the outcome of the spin of the roulette wheel, unlike in the case of the Martingale where the player bets on the improvement of the player’s hand. Second, the roulette table is not designed to be beaten so that the house can practically guarantee that the ball will land on a certain number. If beaten, that bet would be paid off at the casino vigorish which is a substantial amount of money. Third, the player has no way to determine if the ball is on a straight or a curve as the ball does not have to be thrown with thrown in a fixed direction.

Indeed, the common factors mentioned above that occasionally ruins the Martingale system are not the only stumbling blocks for roulette system players. Often, the game is not strong enough and the financial aspect of the roulette is far too important for long-term success. Many players just spend too much time and money in attempting to find the elusive roulette system that would bring them great financial gains in exchange of losing their money.

By Karol